Science Workshop

Amazeum Science Workshops
Amazeum Science Workshops.
We at Amazeum love SCIENCE and enjoy curating various science shows and workshops for our little customers. We make sure that are experiments are topical, engaging and fun for kids across all ages.
All About Science Edition
Baffling reports
We have curated interesting reports from across the globe which would baffle you, read on to know more!
Must haves in your child's library - Science special
Easy science experments to do at home.
Did you know?
India's First
Covaxin is India's first indigenous Corona vaccine. India was also the first to use a technology based app called CoWin that enables people to go online and download the vaccination certificate when required.
In Baffling reports, we have curated some reports published based on various studies and research work.
Rotation of the Earth's inner core changes over decades and has come to near - halt.
According to the report published by Nature Geoscience article dated 23rd January, 2023, the Earth’s inner core may have temporarily stopped rotating relative to the mantle and surface. Now, the direction of the inner core’s rotation may be reversing — part of what could be a roughly 70-year-long cycle that may influence the length of Earth’s days and its magnetic field. (Article source https://www.nature.com/articles)

What crocodile DNA reveals about Ice Age

"The American crocodile tolerates huge variations in temperature and rainfall. But about 20,000 years ago - when much of the world's water was frozen, forming the vast ice sheets of the last glacial maximum - sea levels dropped by more than 100 metres. This created a geographical barrier that separated the gene flow of crocodiles in Panama," says postdoctoral fellow José Avila-Cervantes, working under the supervision of McGill professor Hans Larsson. (Article source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/)
Story feature of the week
Mythology- Does it have answers to Scientific ‘Why’s?’
Quite a few times, the question ‘Why?’ has done wonders. Can you imagine what would have happened if Isaac Newton has not asked himself, “Why did the apple fall on my head? (Thank God, I wasn’t sitting under a coconut tree!)”. Quite a few why’s have been answered through fantastic fables, terrific tales and marvelous mythology. Not all the answers are true enough though. But sometimes it is quite fun to read through the tales and compare it with reality.
Ancient Chinese Myths talk about an egg out of which came the Universe. This can be compared to the Big Bang Theory (not the TV show by the actual scientific theory) of a tiny thing exploding creating the Universe.
A tale from the San people in Africa talks about how the zebra which was once a horse and got its stripes in a freak accident, which can be compared to the science of evolution.
Indian Mythology talks about Ardhanareeshwara and Greek Myths talk about
Hermaphroditus both about a Supreme Being who is not of just one gender but both female and male! That of course is about transgender people and how they are amazing and normal and should be treated normally.
A Greek Myth talks about a particular mountain under which a son of the earth goddess was trapped. Whenever he got angry, he blew fire out into the surface world through a hole in the mountain. And volcanos are mountains with holes in them from which the earth blows her flames.
These tales and many others answer the commonly asked question ‘Why?’. So be curious because, well, ‘Why Not?’.
By: Advait Ravishankar Age: 10 Years DLRC, Pune
Email us your child's article on info@amazeum.in to get featured in the Amazeum newsletter.
Amazeum Art corner

Bubble Art
By: Nandini
Age: 8 Years
Email us your child's article on info@amazeum.in to get featured in the Amazeum newsletter.
Puzzle Wuzzle
Can you solve?
Center Of Mass :
For a recent Amazeum Science activity, we used the concept of Center Of Mass and did a fun activity of balancing an upside down clown on the finger tip. Puzzle challenge for this month is to figure out the "how".
Tag us on your social media or send us the pictures or videos at info@amazeum.in.
Lowering the centre mass will help balance the clown.

Picture from Amazeum Childrens Museum
We have listed few of the must have science books for your little ones.

The Bacteria Book by Steve Mould
A fun, fact-packed science book for kids. Young readers will discover the bacteria, viruses, and other germs and microbes that keep our bodies and our world running. They will also learn about how and when they can be harmful and the precautions we can take to prevent them from becoming so.

Usborne Lift-The-Flap Biology
Dive into the amazing world of biology with this beautiful book full of places to explore and flaps to lift. Look at the whole tree of life from microscopic bacteria and scuttling bugs to swaying forests and ocean creatures, as well as the cells and genes that form them. What makes a living thing alive, what is biodiversity, and how can we protect life on Earth?

The Story of Life - First book about Evolution
This wonderful book introduces children to the story of life and how it all began. Using bitesize text and beautiful bright illustrations, this is the perfect book for budding scientists and those eager to learn more about our amazing planet.
We have listed few of the must have science books for your little ones.

A Short History of Nearly Everything
This book is Bill Brysons quest to understand everything that has happened from the Big Bang to the rise of civilisation - how we got from there, being nothing at all, to here, being us. Bill Bryson takes subjects that are difficult to understand and makes them comprehensible to people who have never thought they could be interested in science. As a result, A Short History of Nearly Everything reveals the world in a way most of us have never seen it before.

Magic School Bus Chapter Book Series
For young readers the Magic School Bus Chapter books are apt for introducing and inducing the love for science and research-based learning. From exploring how electricity works to diving into the big blue ocean, join your child on an adventure through all things. Discover and have a fun conversation about what you learned afterwards!
Magic Smoke
You need:​
Dry Ice
Warm Water
A bowl
Take a wide mouthed bowl
Pour the warm water into the bowl.
Use your tongs/gloves to place a chunk of dry ice into the container.
If the “smoke” dies, add more warm water or dry ice.

Picture from Amazeum Childrens Museum
What is Happening?​
Most materials (like that slab of butter or ice) follow the three stages: when heated, solid turns to liquid and then to gas... and when cooled, it’s the other way round.
But there are some substances which don’t follow this rule like...DRY ICE :). The solid Dry Ice directly turns into CO2 gas- a process called as Sublimation.
The carbon dioxide forms bubbles of cold gas in the water. When the bubbles escape at the surface of the water, the warmer moist air condenses into lots of fog (water vapour in the air condenses). The fog sinks toward the floor both because it is colder than the air and because carbon dioxide is denser than air.]
Safety Tip: Handle dry ice only using gloves and tongs.
Spinning Tree
You need:​
Copper Wire
AA Batteries
Small magnets
Start by cutting off 10-12″ of copper wire
On one side form a triangular form of a tree.
Now use your pliers to carefully turn down the edge and connect it to positive side of the battery.
Place magnets on the negative side of the battery (Battery will remain in standing position throughout the project as shown in the picture)
The bottom end of your spiral copper wire needs to come down parallel to the magnets.
You can decorate the tree using colorful paper as per your imagination.

Picture from Amazeum Childrens Museum
What is Happening?​
When a magnet approaches copper (and some other metals), the magnetic field causes electrons on the surface of the copper to rearrange themselves and begin rotating. They swirl in a circular pattern perpendicular to the magnetic field, creating resistance.
Safety Tip: Tools to be used under parental supervision.
DIY Lava Lamp
You need:​
A clean plastic bottle (or several plastic bottles)
Vegetable Oil
Fizzing tablets (like an Alka-Seltzer tablet)
Food Coloring

Fill the bottle up with water about 1/4th full.
Pour the vegetable oil into the bottle until it is almost full (use a funnel if you have one). Wait a few moments and watch as the oil and water separates.
Then, add a few drops of your favourite colour food colouring. Watch the colour as it make its way through the oil.
The next step is to break your fizzy tablet in half and drop part of it into the bottle. Watch the bubble blobs form.
Finally, if you have a flashlight, turn off the lights and drop in another half tablet. Shine the flashlight through the lava lamp while the blobs are bubbling!
What is Happening?​
The oil floats on top of the water because it is less dense (lighter) than water. The food colouring has the same density as the water so it sinks through the oil and mixes with the water. As the tablet dissolves it creates a gas called carbon dioxide.
Gas is lighter than water so it floats to the top, bringing some colour with it from the food colouring. When the air releases from the coloured water blob, the water gets heavy again and sinks.
Pepper & Soap Experiment
You need:​
Black pepper
A plate or bowl
Liquid soap
First, fill the plate with a thin layer of water.
Then, sprinkle the pepper on to the water, covering a much of the water surface as possible.
Dip your finger into the liquid soap.
Touch the pepper and see what happens!
What is Happening?​
The soap is breaking the surface tension of the water! Surface tension exists in water because the water molecules (the littles pieces of the water) like to stick together.
Water has high surface tension, which mans the molecules like to pull towards each other and stick together very strongly.
But when soap is added, it breaks the surface tension. The molecules close to your fingers are pulled away by molecules that are farther away from your finger.
Exploring Science Concepts at Amazeum
Amazeum has unique and interactive exhibits that help generate curiosity and interest in Science.

Like the magnetic corner, where children explore various concepts. Our exhibits encourage children to ask more questions and make science fun for them.
Picture from Amazeum Childrens Museum
The RGB experiment shown in the picture was part of our science activity for kids.

Picture from Amazeum Childrens Museum
Happening This Month at Amazeum!
Action packed 2 hours of cool Science Workshop, explore the science behind SOUND by the way of fun and hands on games, experiments & DIY's.

Exhibit: Einstein's Lab

Exhibit: Get Fit Clinic
Amazeum is Pune's first and only children's museum with interactive and unique exhibits that not only provide a fun creative space but also help in having a unique learning experience.

Science Workshop